Nikolas Chasser Skilbeck and Eric Vernhes for the Di Peitri Artphilein Foundation


On the ground floor of Via Ferruccio Pelli 13 in Lugano, we are inaugurating the new exhibition space titled FOCUS by DE PIETRI ARTPHILEIN FOUNDATION, with the exhibition Let’s meet on a Cloud of Freedom. The current pandemic has considerably altered our daily lives, which are now conditioned by an exceptional regime of emergencies, restrictions, impositions and separations. In order to counteract these difficult and peculiar times, our foundation called upon various artists – who in turn were encouraged to spread the invitation to others – to draw inspiration from the clouds and reflect on freedom and our rights. The result is Let’s meet on a Cloud of Freedom, which encompasses the themes of encounter (let’s meet), abstraction from a pre-defined sense of territoriality (clouds) and liberty (freedom). The exhibition Let’s meet on a Cloud of Freedom, curated by Caterina De Pietri, showcases contributions to the project by over fifty participating artists. For the occasion, which also marks our foundation’s fifteen years of activity, a book has also been published by Artphilein Editions (not for sale). FOCUS is always open to the public on Thursdays and Fridays from 10 am to 6 pm and during the opening hours of the adjacent shop. The works on display are also always visible through the large window. The FOCUS activities will continue after this first exhibition, with an alternation of invitational events and projects curated directly by our foundation. May 2021, Caterina De Pietri (director of the De Pietri Artphilein Foundation)


Horizon Négatif 1

by Eric Vernhes

Digital Print
Ed. 1/10
58 x 35 cm